The fundamental difference between sociopathy and narcissism is an important one but can be surprisingly irrelevant in the real world: Where the socio
Les mer“I am left feeling I am not good enough” “I am always waiting for him to call.” “She never seems to listen to me.” “I feel like I always have to respo
Les merNarcissists groom Enablers to abuse targeted victims as efficiently as they groom children and love interests to develop Cognitive Dissonance based St
Les merEven people without an extensive knowledge of mental health concerns have likely heard of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), or narcissism, as i
Les merWe all want to know how to become “immune” to toxic or narcissistic people – the types who lack empathy, have a callous sense of entitlement, and a pe
Les merThese days, the “Saved Items” folder in my Instagram account is full of posts I’ve saved from various accounts about narcissistic abuse. Some of these
Les merWe encounter them every day. They might be your boss, a dating partner, or even a family member. I’m talking about the people who are completely self-
Les merThe word “narcissist” is one of those tricky terms that is both luxuriously broad in meaning (it’s defined on as “a person who is overl
Les merWhen people are “difficult” to be around, it’s easy to toss off labels like sociopath or narcissist—especially if the person seems to be totally full
Les merIt’s a question we’ve probably all asked ourselves at some point: Is this friend/ex/family member just totally and annoyingly self-centered, or is she
Les mer