Narsissisten og psykopaten er like på mange måter. De mangler empati og skyldfølelse, de manipulerer mennesker rundt seg og bryr seg ofte lite om love
Les merIf you’ve been in an abusive relationship, there’s a good chance that the person who abused you was a narcissist or a sociopath, or both.
Les merSociopath or a “high-functioning” psychopath? The words sociopath and psychopath create a grim and crime-centric picture in most people’s mind and the
Les merWhat is a sociopath? A sociopath is actually a person with an antisocial personality disorder. Going by the sociopath definition, this disorder is def
Les merYou may have heard people call someone else a “psychopath” or a “sociopath.” But what do those words really mean? You won’t find the definitions in me
Les merSociopaths are identical and predictable. Understanding the characteristics of a sociopath changes everything. Characteristics of a sociopath are dist
Les merWhen someone is in love or infatuated with another person they don’t tend to pay attention to the details, especially the unflattering ones. Needless
Les merEnding a relationship with a sociopath is not a normal break-up. Sociopaths (people who could be diagnosed with antisocial, narcissistic, borderline,
Les merHave you ever wished you could figure out all the people you come in contact with only a few steps, just by observing them and their behavior? It woul
Les merSociopaths move through society in the shadows. In terms of danger, female sociopath is the most powerful. With so many mental and personality disorde
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